Technology Business Management (TBM)
Technology Business Management (TBM) creates more transparent decision making with the delivery of services aligned to business objectives. This approach to IT infrastructure requirements increases in importance along with the increasing need to justify investments and budgets. It increases transparency and demonstrate the value from investments, tied directly to mission objectives and attainment.
This increase in transparency of IT consumption creates a “partnership” between traditional IT support and the mission enabling end users. IT transforms from a secondary function in an agency to a lead role. This centralized approach reduces point solutions and “shadow IT” and creates a more effective, integrated enterprise IT environment designed for our future federal workforce.

As government rebuilds to an outcome focused organization, ATI encourages our agency and industry partners to reduce interdependencies adopting more modular approaches to technology with a focus on full life cycle technology development, adaptation, cost and potential reuse for other business requirements.
TBM results in next generation enterprise integration systems that integrate data, systems/applications and end users through common business processes and workflows. TBM supports portfolio management (Capital Planning and Investment Control), modernization and updates of enterprise architecture, and provides data to justify shared service adoption.
Health IT represents a critical “use case” as it continually evolves from a reactive support system of symptom and records management towards more proactive support, based on data-driven outcomes supported by predictive and prescriptive analysis
For technology to serve the business, ATI understands the need to become a trusted advisor, continually identifying and validating emerging trends, innovative solutions and new skill sets.
The following represents ATI’s service offerings aligned to the implementation of TBM that serve as building blocks in this transformation:
Advisory Services
Business Process Analysis
Financial Management and Analysis
Health IT
Information Dashboards/Scorecards
Program/Project Management
Requirements Analysis and Management
Technology Transfer
A Sampling of ATI’s TBM Performance

Architectural support for improved portfolio management (CPIC)

Human capital, cost and business analysis

Transforming legacy application/system to new business aligned technologies

Modernize, replace and consolidate systems