Case Studies
Align Technologies, Talents and Requirements to Advance Business Value
As technologies change and shift from a traditional support function to a more direct business enabler, IT’s role needs to continually adjust in a proactive process. With this approach, technology assets create new business capabilities with cognitive systems working “for us”. Both the technologies and the staff need to be flexible to enable reuse and repurposing, creating value from applying existing technology assets for new business capabilities.
ATI Case Study
For the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ATI provided IT support for the National Data Center in Newington, VA on a 24x7x365 basis, ensuring constant service availability. While managing day-to-day operations, ATI optimized the maintenance and planning of the IT infrastructure increasing CBP’s return on investment (ROI) from IT expenditures. For maintenance, purchasing and configuration management, ATI developed a tracking system that provided real-time information and transparency for business stakeholders, to proactively demonstrate trends and enable “what if” models. ATI understands the need to create value at all levels of a project, even through the simplest changes.

Modernize, Transform and Design for the Future
“Design for the Future” replaces “Supporting the Past”. This cultural shift proactively engineers transformation into future plans and designs, reducing cost and dependence on operations and maintenance activities. ATI’s approach minimizes siloed point solutions, migrating to a “modular” approach. Technologies and workflow processes can be enhanced and, when needed, replaced without disruption to the business process, ensuring mission continuity.
ATI Case Study
ATI was selected to develop, enhance and maintain the legacy Foreign Currency Accounting System (FCAS) for the Department of Treasury, Financial Management Service (FMS) now part of the Bureau of Fiscal Services (BFS). In addition to development and enhancement, ATI provides the ongoing maintenance of production mainframe, mid-tier and web applications and technical support for existing applications. ATI continues to support under several follow-on competitively sourced contracts, the Budget Reporting Division in re-hosting this legacy system from obsolete hardware to the new FMS enterprise architecture.
Align Delivery of Services to Business Objectives
Transformative technologies remain ready to serve today and into the future. Attributes such as security, ease of audits, and simplification are “baked” into the design to facilitate a more dynamic maintenance and enhancement process focused on the workflow and the underlying business objectives.
Managing traditional IT with a technology business management framework creates a more transparent decision making process aligned to costs and outcomes for informed technology trade-offs providing stakeholders the basis for informed data driven decisions required in our resource constrained environment.
ATI Case Study
While providing architectural support for portfolio management at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HRSA), ATI developed an information architecture that provides mechanisms for answering agency questions from both researchers and program office management, providing the information required for Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) assessment and informed technology and business decisions aligned to outcomes.

Transform Data into Useful Information through Linguistic Analysis
Language/translation represents a subset of big data and data analytics. ATI transforms this data into useable information through translation, linguistics and analysis, converting the written word in one language or dialect to another through a well-defined process changing that “raw data” into understandable, actionable information.
ATI Case Study
ATI provides personnel with the most unique and relevant linguistic capabilities from training to intelligence interpretation offering high-end language support to classified customer in the Intelligence Community (IC), integrating language technology to augment and increase throughput of intelligence analytical activities.
Improve Effectiveness through Collaboration and Re-use of Technologies
Collaboration improves the effectiveness of government and serves as a platform to encourage re-purposing of technologies and elimination of silos and single use solutions. This process maximizes the value from technology investments through re-use in multiple contexts. Information sharing enables collaboration essential to National Security and effective and efficient citizen services and engagements.
ATI Case Study
For the Department of Justice (DOJ), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), ATI conducted an IT architecture modernization initiative to consolidate internal databases and web-based information sharing applications to enhance the Center’s secured collaborative tools and implement a business intelligence dashboard and reports in support of the Information Management Capability (IMC) project.